Who am I?

That is a perfectly good question, to which I do not know that there is a good answer. But I suppose I'll try.

Where am I from?

I grew up in a small town in Massachusetts, and went to school at Wesleyan University. I've previously worked in Boston and The-Middle-of-Nowhere, IL.

Where am I now?

A few years ago, I moved to the Washington, D.C area, and started a new job, which I left after only being there for a year for yet another job. My current career goal is to stay at this job longer than my current record (2 1/2 years). If all goes well, I should hit that mark in a couple months. Go team!

What do I do?

I am a computer geek (oooh, big surprise, I know). At my current job, I build supercomputers and study high performance computing, primarily in the area of Linux clustering, though recently, I have been expanding my horizons into other architectures and platforms.

What else do I do?

Believe it or not, I try to do other things besides computer stuff. I enjoy playing most sports, especially soccer, which I've played since I was 5. Here in DC, I play on a team in a co-ed league. I also enjoy tennis, golf, basketball, squash, and riding my bike.

In the last few years, I have been running a lot (well, a lot for me). Check out my running page.

On the non-sports/non-computer front, I enjoy reading and playing in the kitchen. I am starting to post some of my favorite recipes that I have come across or made up. You can check them out here.